Thursday, March 21, 2013

Review for VaporBoy Eliquid (wonst3r)

Wonst3r....if you do some flipping with name then I'm pretty sure you'll get the Idea of what the flavor is. That classic energy drink everyone knows! Now I'm a Redbull drinker for the most part but a good monster every now and then is good too. Well vapor boy found pretty much the perfect combination to make a very realistic taste of a vape. Now if he could add the energy to it we all would be set lol. It's a light vape with great flair that could very well be used as a every day vape! So for all you monster drinkers out there check out The Wonst3r by VaporBoy!!! Btw let me add that he is great to work with and fast shipping!
With that said check it out along with some of his other great flavors!
Instagram- vaporboyejuice
Or email him at vapErboyejuice@

until next time!


  1. Cool bottle! Does he package all of his stuff like that?

  2. Yes everything is packaged in glass. I think the look like cool little test tubes lol
